Thursday, February 17, 2011

2011 Wedding Pricing

Dearest friends,

Here is our new 2011 pricing for wedding photography! We have made it customizable to fit the wide variety of options desired by brides and grooms (ok, mostly brides). We did put together two "advantage packages" that make it easy for those who do not know what to choose, or want a slight discount (who doesn't right?).

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, we are here to help!

We look forward to an exciting new wedding season! Wishing you and yours all te best...

Jamie and Colton

Note: as of right now, pricing for non-wedding related shoots have not changed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Facebook Promotion

PROMOTION - easy as 1 - 2 - 3...

1. Post a comment on your facebook wall requesting that your friends become a fan of the Lindelof Photography facebook page

2. Then send Jamie a message (via e-mail or facebook) that you did step 1

3. You will be entered into a drawing for a Starbucks card

Easy peesy!

This promotion will run for the month of February, winner will be selected March 1st, 2011.

Thank you and good luck!


Friday, February 4, 2011


There are a couple photography blogs that I follow religiously, all of which I discovered in our search for our own wedding photographer. One of my favorite photography teams is Azzura Photography (a husband and wife team). Their style and quality is beyond words.

During my stint of unemployment, when I was inspired to pursue photography even more, on a whim, I decided to ask Azzura if I could be a second shooter for them. To my surprise, they met with me and said yes! I was thrilled beyond words.

So in the summer of 2009, I had the honor and pleasure of being a second shooter with Ken from Azzura and I learned so much, and got to attend some of the most amazing weddings I've ever seen.

I am so grateful for Ken and the team at Azzura for letting me be a part of that summer wedding inspired me, and showed me that your job can be your passion. I loved working with the happy couples, and seeing the most special moments throughout the day. It was a free pass into a day of complete joy. I can't explain it.

Anyhow, I love Azzura, and was so excited for them when I found out that they won the 2011 Bride's Choice Award for Photography! This is just one of the MANY awards they have received. This award ranks them at the top of wedding photographers within the WeddingWire network, which includes WeddingWire, Martha Stewart Weddings, Project Wedding and Weddingbee.

Congratulations Azzura!

To learn more about them, be sure to visit their website and blog.



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hello Fall in Washington!

We love Fall. It's such a beautiful season here in WA state. I might be slightly bias, but i'm pretty sure that there is nowhere more beautiful than our gorgeous state when it's in the midst of changing seasons.

It's also pretty amazing to do a shoot in the beautiful colors. I wanted to do another post to kick off our holiday season sessions. We have our first holiday shoot today in Issaquah...I'm excited, I love this time of year (when we are able to squeeze in great shoots in between rain showers).

Anyhow, we still have some time slots open for holiday e-mail us if you are interested!

I've posted somemore of our favorite pictures from this year so far (that I didn't have time to upload in the last post). It's so hard to choose our favorites...but I tried my best!

Happy Fall everyone!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finishing up the summer season

Oh much has been going on. I've been a complete slacker when it comes to the business side of my business. The only time that I've had to focus on Lindelof Photography has been dedicated to the experience and the final product. Our website and blog are both in desperate need of updating, so I apologize for not staying on top of that.

We've been so busy. Colt is in the middle of his crazy busy recruiting/travel season (he's gone for basically two months straight, which = sad Jamie). And my (day) job has been keeping me late at the office, and working from home on the weekends.

I am still catching up on some of my shoots (just having little chunks of time here and there is making it difficult to get them turned around as fast as I would like), but am excited to finish up the last couple weddings, and start into the holiday season.

Speaking of the holidays...we are running a special holiday promotion! So don't miss out. We only have certain time slots open. (Click here for the link to our Facebook Note that gives you all the details. Please note that some of those dates have already been booked.)

I am so grateful for this project (Lindelof Photography)'s everything I love to do: photograph people, meet new people, experience moments, see new places, spend time sharing in laughter, tears and love.

We are excited to already be booking weddings for this coming year! (Yowza!) 2011 is going to be a great wedding season, and I can't wait to see what else it brings.

Other exciting news for 2011? HOPEFULLY, the Lindelof household will be in our very own house. We are still just looking, but I definitely feel like it's that season in our life, and I feel God preparing us in many ways for this next step. It's so exciting (and frightening)!

Ok, so to make up for my complete lack of blog and website updates, here are some snapshots of our recent sessions...and hopefully I'll be blogging soon about an awesome website revamp (cross fingers). Thank you all for your love and support!

- Jamie and Colton

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An inspiring blog - Attitude of Possibility

A blog I follow closely and love dearly posted this recently...and it really got me thinking. It doesn't just apply to can be used in any aspect of life.

There is so much in this life and this world to experience, enjoy and share. This attitude shuns the idea of selfishness, and thrives on giving, loving and others.
I strive for an attitude of possibility...

"I've been thinking a lot about the attitude of scarcity versus the attitude of possibility recently. The attitude of scarcity is the notion that embraces the idea that resources, clients, knowledge are so scarce so we must "take and guard" what is "ours." It is viewpoint that sees the pie as small with limited pieces for people. It is an attitude that breeds competition rather than "co-opetition." This attitude keeps people from being excited about the success of others. Instead, we feel threatened by them, we feel jealousy creep in. The attitude of scarcity surrounds us in people and society every day. It is the outlook of the person that wakes up in the morning with the assumption that life is about merely staying alive and surviving in a world of very limited resources. It is what keeps people from sharing an ultimately growing. This is an attitude and outlook rooted in the enemy... fear.

On the other side of that, I have encountered a handful of people in my life that embrace another kind of attitude... one that I admire and strive after...the attitude of possibility. This attitude embraces the idea that anything is possible. In this world of possibility, thought is not impeded by the concern of survival, but stands in the field of optimism with a posture of vast openness. These are the people that share their knowledge freely because instead of feeling threatened by the thought of scarcity they are excited by the thought of continued growth for both parties. This attitude recognizes that there is plenty of business to go around, setting them free to be happy for the success of their colleagues and counterparts. The attitude of possibility doesn't see people with eyes that limit and measure them, but rather, sees them for all of the unique potential that each person possess'. This is an attitude that recognizes that each of us is created with individual gifts and talents and that anyone is capable of ANYTHING they put their mind to. Instead of living in fear, this attitude is rooted in freedom, choice, and love. This is a perspective that recognizes that the pie is enormous and even if you take a piece, the pie is whole again.

Everyday we make a choice about the attitude we will embrace by our thoughts, words and motives. For me, I will continue striving to live in love and not fear. I will choose to see the world for all of it's variety, glimmer, hope, engagement and forward movement. The seemingly small moments of our lives are ultimately what write our life stories. We have a choice about how they will be written. For me I will continue to dance in the vast and glowing fields of possibility...

For anyone who cares to explore this idea of possibility in more depth, I highly recommend a book I read back in January called The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander. It was an inspiring read that offers great insight and perspective."

My "Why"

"Being a body who snaps a shutter and knows the technicalities of the camera is merely being a photographer. Having a WHY, a reason behind the shutter, is what differentiates a photographer from an artist."

My why? I want people to experience love and freedom and beauty through our images...I want to create art and imagery that inspires people to love harder and live a life of authenticity, joy and passion.